Who are we for?

Who Needs Us

› Who needs us

Who can use us?

Rather than list the many people who may have a need for our service, below are some questions that will help you decide if you should be speaking to us. Please choose the questions that match your situation most closely – ‘DUTY HOLDERS/RESPONSIBLE PERSONS’ or ‘SERVICE PROVIDERS’

DUTY HOLDERS/RESPONSIBLE PERSONS – you are ultimately responsible for maintaining the fire safety elements of your building. You may be an employer, or any person that operates or has control of the premises to any extent. If your answer to any of the following questions is ‘NO’, then you should give us a call or request a call back.

  1. Have your fire doors been inspected by an appropriately qualified fire door specialist in the last 12 months?
  2. Has the fire stopping in your building been inspected by an appropriately qualified passive fire protection specialist in the last 12 months?
  3. Are the people that carry out the maintenance on your fire doors certificated by a third party, independent, UKAS accredited agency?

SERVICE PROVIDERS – these may include Facilities Managers, Surveyors, Architects, Contractors and Fire Risk Assessors. If you provide installation, maintenance or surveying services related to fire doors or fire stopping to anyone in the above group you may well deemed as ‘having control of the premises to any extent’. If your answer to the below questions is ‘NO’, then you should give us a call or request a call back.

  1. Do you have third party, independent certification from a UKAS accredited agency for activities related to fire doors or fire stopping?

If you answered ‘NO’ to any of these questions, then please call us on 01563 535511 or use the ‘Request A Call Back’ button below.

Request a Callback